One of the biggest problems of the medical sector is the management of purchasing processes in order for the internal processes to work. In fact, this problem is the general problem of almost all companies. Because companies primarily want to manage the purchasing processes of the products that they will earn money, that is, they will sell.


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One of the biggest problems of the medical sector is the management of purchasing processes in order for the internal processes to work. In fact, this problem is the general problem of almost all companies. Because companies primarily want to manage the purchasing processes of the products that they will earn money, that is, they will sell. However, it is often overlooked or ignored that money is earned not only by selling but also by planning and controlling expenses.

In this context, we started to manage all in-house acquisitions of Meda Pharma pharmaceutical company under the module we call Corporate Purchasing.

All intra-company purchasing processes (Congress, Organization, In-term and End of Period meetings, Promotional materials, Fixture Purchases, Car Rental, Contract Purchases) are managed through this module.

In this context, tender and offer management, budget management, promotion stock management and Approval flow mechanisms work in an integrated manner.

This module, which allows to receive expense reports on the basis of department, personnel, brand, main expense-sub-expenditure group, will also ensure that your expenses are under control.

It is the module where the daily expenses of field and head office employees are managed. As in corporate procurement, all approval mechanisms and budgetary controls are carried out at every stage. The field team enters the expenses (such as representation and hospitality, car wash, parking, stationery expenses) from the expense entry screen of the CPM Master in an easy-to-use way (without any accounting knowledge), the relevant regional manager, product manager and sales and marketing manager. performs the confirmation process. Approved expenses are accounted for in a single step by the accounting department.

This module, which allows to receive expense reports on the basis of department, personnel, brand, main expense-sub-expenditure group, will also ensure that your expenses are under control.

The budget is the table that includes mutual estimates of the income and expenses that are expected to occur in a certain future period. The budget shows the expenditures to be made and the revenues to be obtained for a certain period as an estimate. A budget is a financial plan that shows estimated figures that have not yet been realized.

CPM ERP budget management module offers you the opportunity to make a budget according to all the fields defined on the current card, stock card or document. For example, targetable comparison analyzes can be reported by making a budget according to the product, product group, customer, customer group, customer, brand, department.

You can budget your budget targets as quantity-price-amount-discount. When you enter your quantity and price targets, the system creates an automatic amount budget.
Revised budgets can be created from the main budget.
Different budgets can be combined into a single budget by combining revised budgets.
Can create comparison reports between revised budgets.
You can make budget – actual comparisons.

With CPM ERP, you can make Sales Budget, Production Budget, Purchasing Budget, Expense Budget and Cash Flow Budget, and in this way, you can evaluate your anticipated income and expenses in the future periods.

As a requirement of the industry, prices and discounts determined by the government come automatically in every order and invoice, and changes cannot be made without leaving it to the discretion of the user.

Inventory control on the basis of batch number and tracking of expiry dates of products. Ability to define campaigns such as turnover premiums in certain periods. Credit limit control at every stage in sales to pharmaceutical warehouses and pharmacies.

With Import Management, tracking of import processes, calculating the real costs of imported products, distribution to products and accounting processes are carried out simultaneously with “CPM ERP”. Monitoring the stock status while the import process is in progress. (On the road, at Customs, Warehouse Warehouse). Follow-up of business processes in imports made directly and/or through Warehouse warehouse. Starting from the offer, tracking all the paperwork and tracking all the costs up to and after the goods reach the customs. (Trade File, Quotation, Order, Proforma Invoice, Customs entry, Invoice, Actual import). Tracking of variables such as lot, lot, serial, barcode for imported goods. Distribution of each expense item (Amount, Amount, Volume, Weight, Common Unit, etc.) according to options.

There are many mysteries and superstitions about the relationship between banks and companies. We have a solution for factors that will negatively affect the future of your company in the long run, such as returned payments, errors encountered and the time spent by staff with these errors.

Bank Outcome system; It is a system that allows you to pay all your payments (due invoices, salary payments, etc.) in a very short time through the relevant bank on the payment date. With Automatic Payment Order, you can create payment lists with a single click and minimize the risk of error, and have them approved by the relevant finance-accounting managers.

The payment list created on the CPM ERP program is uploaded to the bank’s system with the user name and password given by the bank. The list uploaded to the system is subject to the approval of the relevant finance manager. (The information e-mail about the subject is sent to the finance manager as well as a message to his mobile phone.) The relevant finance manager signs with Electronic Signature. The signed payment list is paid by the bank when the payment date and time comes. During this whole transaction chain, CPM Master Security procedures are in effect and there is no risk in the transactions.

It will also be an advantage to have a solution that has the flexibility to prepare templates suitable not only for the Turkish Economy Bank, but also for all the banks you work with.